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Animal Guides Tarot by Radleigh Valentine

28,90 €
sis. 25.5 % ALV
Tuotetta varastossa.

Pakkaus sisältää 78 kpl englanninkielisiä viestikortteja ja opasvihkosen. Pakkauksen koko on 10*13,5*5,3 cm

In Animal Guides Tarot Cards, best-selling author Radleigh Valentine has lovingly and beautifully merged the rich, time-honored tradition of Tarot for divining answers to life's questions with the power of an animal spirit deck for connecting us to the wisdom of the earthly and mystical realms and the archetypes embodied in the animal world.  The wisdom of the animal and angelic realms are inscribed on each of the 78 cards and explained in the accompanying guidebook. Animals are unconditionally loving and authentic and genuine in expressing their feelings. That’s why these healing angels are sent to us to open our hearts to giving and receiving love. They’re also teachers who guide us to be present and aware.  In this card deck and guidebook, Radleigh Valentine brings you gentle messages from God’s “creatures great and small,” from dogs, cats, horses, birds, and butterflies to tigers, elephants, giraffes, dolphins, and kangaroos, organized by season. As with all his decks, the Animal Guides Tarot Cards are universally positive, loving, and respectful of your spiritual path of joy.

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TUOTENUMERO: 9781401975166

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