SUITSUKEALE 'OSTA 3 MAKSA 2'! ILMAINEN TOIMITUS YLI 75€ TILAUKSILLE! Toimitus 1-3 päivässä I Toimituskulut 6,95€ | Kotiinkuljetus 11,95€ I Ilmainen nouto Oulun myymälästä


The Angel Guide Oracle by Kyle Gray

25,90 €
sis. 25.5 % ALV
Tuotetta varastossa.

A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook

Pakkaus sisältää 44 kpl englanninkielisiä viestikortteja ja 111-sivuisen opaskirjasen. Pakkauksen koko on 9,8*13,5*3,7 cm.

From bestselling angel author, this oracle deck reminds spiritual seekers that loving, divine guidance is always available to anyone.
This powerful oracle invites you to connect with your very own guardian angels and shares 44 powerful messages of divine inspiration, love, and positive action.
Everyone has one or more angels with them at all times; they are always there to offer guidance and support. This oracle deck encourages spiritual seekers to connect with their very own angels. Instead of focusing on named angels or higher beings from spiritual texts, this deck is open to interpretation so that it offers a space for everyone to find an angel they relate to.
Some messages in this oracle guide the seeker to develop their own interpretations in an intuitive way ('Blessings and Abundance', 'Surrender, and 'Divine Timing') while others prompt positive action from the seeker ('Take a Step Back', 'Clear, Cancel and Release', and 'Expect Miracles'). The Angel Guide Oracle can be easily used by complete beginners and will inspire spiritual seekers wherever they are on their journey to tap into their intuition and feel their angels' presence by their side.

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TUOTENUMERO: 9781788173612

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