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Messages from the Guides Transformation Cards by James Van Praagh

22,50 €
sis. 10 % ALV
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Pakkaus sisältää 44 kpl englanninkielisiä viestikortteja ja 112 sivuisen opaskirjasen.

James von Praagh on kansainvälisesti suosittu New York Times - lehden parhaiten myyvä kirjailija, joka on toiminut hengen maailman äänenä viimeiset 30 vuotta. Hän on esiintynyt Oprahin haastatteluohjelmassa ja monessa muussa ohjelmassa, ja hänellä on Hay House radiossa oma viikoittainen ohjelmansa Talking to Spirit. Hän on myös menestyvä CBS:n pitkään pyörineen sarjan Ghost Whisperer luoja ja tuottaja, jota tähdittää Jennifer Love Hewitt.

Before you choose to experience this physical dimension that we call Earth, your higher self meets with Spirit Guides to design a blueprint that will enable your soul to learn and evolve throughout the course of your existence. And this extraordinary card deck by world-renowned spiritual medium James Van Praagh will assist you in tuning in to your Guides—spiritual teachers who give you guidance, knowledge, or wisdom.

Each of these 44 beautifully illustrated cards serves as a cue that prompts you toward your ideal goal—your own personal journey of self-awareness. The enclosed guidebook will bring further insight to each card’s uplifting message, such as Be Yourself, Live Your Bliss, You Are Never Alone, and more! Through these channeled messages, you will learn to develop a higher understanding of Spirit and remember that you are never truly alone.

James Van Praagh is the internationally renowned #1 New York Times best-selling author who has worked as the voice of the Spirit World for the past 30 years. He has appeared on Oprah, Larry King Live, Dr. Phil, Coast to Coast, and many other programs. He is also the successful creator and producer of CBS’s long-running series Ghost Whisperer, starring Jennifer Love Hewitt.

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TUOTENUMERO: 9781401951405

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